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Many States not party acknowledge and support, to various degrees, the humanitarian goals of the Convention. This page presents the latest information available or expressed by the State not party, vis-à-vis the Convention. The information is largely drawn from the Convention's formal and informal meetings, President's Observations, UN Office for Disarmament records, and/or Landmine Monitor if noted.

Latest views and updates

  • The State not party has participated as Observer in the following meetings of the Convention,
    • First Review Conference, 7MSP, 8MSP, Second Review Conference, 10MSP

High-level engagement with the Convention Special Envoy

  • On 4 November 2010, Norway as President of the Convention deployed the Special Envoy on Universalization HRH Prince Mired Raad Zeid Al-Hussein of Jordan, to meet at a high-level with Bahrain’s Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander HRH Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

Since 1997, the UN General Assembly has adopted a “Resolution on the Implementation of the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction”.

The State not party most recently has voted as follows,

  • In favour - Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 7 December 2022 Seventy-seventh session
  • In favour - General Assembly Seventy-sixth session, First Committee, 2 November 2021
  • In favour - Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 12 December 2019 Seventy-fourth session 

The State not party has not submitted any official information. However, during the Special Envoy's visit, the Crown Prince expressed affinity for the Convention and its norms and indicated it was "now to the States Parties to follow up".

 Snapshots of Bahrain during Convention-related activities on Flickr.

The Convention Special Envoy HRH Prince Mired of Jordan with Crown Prince HRH Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, in 2010.